Vice-Chairman Message
Manager Message St.V.S. Public School
A Holistic Approach to Education It stands as a “Citadel of Learning”, and a harbinger of “Quality Consciousness” committed to developing the minds and initiative of the children. The vitality of the classrooms, the energy of the playing fields and the open friendliness of the work environment, have enabled its students to reach their fullest potential whether it is securing distinctions in the academics or winning accolades in drama, debates, quizzes and sports activities. The Special character of the St. V.S. Educational Society has shaped the destinies of each individual entering its folds.
Deepak Dhangar Manager

Director Message St. V.S. Public School
Our Vision
At St. V.S. Public School, Education for life, Excellence in Education and Commitments to meaningful education are of prime Importance. Quality education by using hybrid system, experiential learning is provided to each and every child. St. V.S. Public School, believes that love for education should be provided for children in initial years and condition should be created for them to pursue a positive approach in life. A unidirectional teaching method is being increasingly substituted by a multidirectional group of workshop. Here the well educated, trained, dedicated teachers becomes the group co-coordinator initiating work, nurturing students without the phobia of examinations and homework we make it possible by making the content very easy through activities to the learners.
Arun Dhangar Director
It is recognized by the Department of Education Society.
Examination System & Evaluation
For Students in class PG to IX & XI, they are encouraged to be regular in their studies and accordingly periodically class tests held continuously Promotion to the next class is on the basis of general performance in the class as well as on the basis of these Formative Assessment (FA) & Summative Assessment (SA)
(Assessment by paper pen test, work experience, home work, class work and co-scholastics area)