Rules & Regulations
- Send Your Ward timely daily to the school, avoid unnecessary being absent otherwise for delay in class work and homework ,subject teacher and school will not be responsible.
- Your ward must be in proper uniform like wearing clean clothes ,tie, belt, polished shoes, proper hair cut and combes hair, trimmed mails ,two plited hairs of girls withb white hair band.
- If your word is availing school transport he or she must reach to the stop (point) before reaching the transport.
- Check your child’s school dairy school everyday. Teacher’s remark should be noted and signed.
- Parent’s are requested not to interfere in the internal mangement of the school to maintain strict discipline. However, suggestions in writing are always welcome by the management.
- Please help your ward to complete his/her homework regularly.
- Please send healthy food in lunch box, drinking water bottle with your ward, Please do not allow junk food to your ward. Lunch box or any eatable during school time will not be accepted by any one for students.
- Please attend each PTM to enquire the progress of your ward.
- Students are not allowed to wear or bring valuables like watch, gold ornament, camera and cell phones.
- Students are not allowed to go out from school without permission (gate pass) during school hours.
- Students re not allowed to come to school by driving motor cycle, scooter, car, etc if they don’t have valid driving license.
- Please bring your one appropriate I.D. proof if you are coming to bring your ward to home during school time.
- AS per security point of view no guardian is allowed to walk in the corridor or in class room and other restricted area during school time.
- If you receive any call from school, you are required to respond immediately.
- Parent’s are not allowed to meet the teachers in class time (during school).
- If you have any complaint or suggestion let in come in the knowledge of principal.
- Students will follow all the rules and regulation laid by the school.
- You are requested please help your ward for his/her education and bright future.